Proposed Performing Arts and Sports Centre and Aquatic Centre Expansion
At Â鶹ÊÓƵ School, our girls are empowered with skills and capabilities that enable them to be adaptive, compassionate and courageous. They embrace new challenges and opportunities; and strive for excellence.
Our performing arts and sports programs are an important aspect of this empowerment, offering every girl the opportunity to pursue their passions, try new activities, develop skills and confidence.
To support these programs we have developed a proposal to deliver a modern Performing Arts and Sports Centre and Aquatic Centre expansion on the south-eastern corner of the School site (between Park Road and Britannia Avenue).
We are now preparing to lodge our application for this proposal with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.
Please read more information below on our proposal and next steps.
Main image: Artist's impression of the proposed Performing Arts and Sports Centre and Aquatic Centre expansion (indicative only, subject to detailed design).
An update on our proposal – August 2024
Between March and June 2024, we sought feedback from Council, our neighbours and our School community on our proposed Performing Arts and Sports Centre and Aquatic Centre expansion.
Based on this feedback, we understand that:
- Managing traffic and prioritising student safety is of high importance.
- Our internal and external community supports our investment in improved performing arts and sporting facilities.
- Working with our neighbours during construction to minimise and mitigate potential impacts is critical.
We are thrilled to announce we have now lodged our proposal with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI). This lodgement includes:
- An Engagement Report that summarises the feedback received on the proposal to date.
- An Environmental Impact Statement that assesses all potential aspects of the proposal and suggests mitigation measures.
- Technical assessments including a Design Report, a Transport and Accessibility Impact Assessment, a Construction Traffic Management Plan and a Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment.
You can view the proposal lodged with DPHI on the .
What's next?
Public Exhibition
In the coming months, DPHI will place our proposal on public exhibition. DPHI will notify our surrounding neighbours once this occurs. You can .
During the exhibition period, the community can make submissions on the proposal. Following public exhibition, DPHI will review these submissions, and assess and determine the proposal.
During this time, Urbis Engagement will still be available to provide information and answer questions about the proposal (see contact details below).
If the proposal is approved, we will commence a tendering process to appoint a construction delivery partner.
Once appointed, we will work with our selected delivery partner to prepare various construction management plans required as part of DPHI's approval.
Before commencing any construction on site, these management plans will also require DPHI approval, and our neighbours and School community will be notified of construction time frames.
If approved, we anticipate construction of the Performing Arts and Sports Centre will commence in mid-2025 and continue through to mid-2027. The Aquatic Centre expansion is a longer term project, and we anticipate construction will commence in the early 2030s.
Contact us
We are committed to keeping you informed throughout the next steps of project and during construction. Urbis Engagement will be available to answer your questions during this time.
You can reach the team by:
An overview of our proposal
At Â鶹ÊÓƵ School, our girls are empowered with skills and capabilities that enable them to be adaptive, compassionate, and courageous. They embrace new challenges and opportunities; and strive for excellence.
Our performing arts and sports programs are an important aspect of this empowerment, offering every girl the opportunity to pursue their passions, try new activities, develop skills and confidence.
To support these programs, we have a vision to deliver a modern Performing Arts and Sports Centre and Aquatic Centre expansion on the south-eastern corner of the school site (between Park Road and Britannia Avenue).
As a first step in achieving this vision, we have begun preparing a State significant Development Application (SSDA) that seeks planning approval to construct and operate the Performing Arts and Sports Centre and seeks approval for the longer-term delivery of the Aquatic Centre expansion.
As a first step in achieving this vision, we have lodged a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. The SSDA seeks planning approval to construct and operate the Performing Arts and Sports Centre and seeks approval for the longer-term delivery of the Aquatic Centre expansion.
Stage 1: Performing Arts and Sports Centre
What this space is:
- A three level building including one basement level consisting of a flexible space that can be used for whole of School assemblies as well as indoor sports courts; performance spaces including a 400-seat theatre; and learning spaces for music and drama.
Why we need this space:
- Provide a whole School assembly space to build a sense of community and allow for whole school Chapel services.
- Allow for other gatherings, including concerts, theatrical performances, lectures, and meetings, providing a unique space for students, faculty, parents and the community.
- Improved learning spaces for music and drama to better support our Performing Arts program.
When this space will be delivered:
- This is a priority project. If approved, we anticipate construction of the Performing Arts and Sports Centre will commence in mid-2025 and continue through to mid-2027. The SSDA is seeking approval to construct and operate this building.
Stage 2: Aquatic Centre expansion
What this space is:
- An extension of the existing Aquatic Centre and gymnasium to provide new and refurbished fitness facilities including a new learn to swim pool. This space will also include a drop off area off Britannia Avenue.
Why we need this space:
- Upgrade and increase the changing room facilities catering to School use and community use of the Aquatic Centre.
- Provide Indoor PE learning spaces that are currently restricted to demountable buildings and spaces where students and the community can train indoors.
When the space will be delivered:
- The Aquatic Centre expansion is a longer term project, and we anticipate construction will commence in the early 2030s.
For both buildings to be delivered, the SSDA also proposes site preparation work including demolition of any existing structures, earthworks, clearing of some trees and landscaping to replace the removed trees.
The benefits of this proposal
Building a sense of school community
Assemblies are an important medium for developing the school culture, nurturing positive ethos and reinforcing school values. They are critical to communicate significant matters across all age groups, develop student leadership, and recognise achievement.
Currently, Senior School assemblies and Chapel services are held in the gymnasium as we do not have access to a formal space that caters to our students and faculty.
The Performing Arts and Sports Centre will offer a space to host assemblies for the whole school, allow for whole school Chapel services, connect cohorts and build school unity.
Support the performing arts
At Â鶹ÊÓƵ School, we pride ourselves on our exceptional performing arts program, with a high number of students participating in these subjects and co-curricular activities.
Currently our music, drama, and dance facilities are dated, impractical and do not reflect the quality of the programs provided.
The Performing Arts and Sports Centre will meet the needs of present and future students and faculty through providing upgraded learning facilities and space to host concerts, theatrical performances, lectures, and meetings.
Improved sporting facilities and amenities
Â鶹ÊÓƵ School has a proud tradition of offering a variety of co-curricular sports catering to students from beginner through to elite level.
Our proposal of the extended Aquatic Centre and gymnasium will increase user amenity, improve learning spaces and allow for wet-weather contingencies when training or playing sport.
Our key considerations
Â鶹ÊÓƵ School is committed to working closely with our School community and the local community to ensure the proposal is designed and delivered with consideration and respect.
In preparing our proposal, we worked with a range of technical experts to undertake a series of assessments which identified how potential impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposal can be appropriately mitigated.
These key considerations are outlined below. You can view the detailed technical studies on DPHI's
Managing traffic and safety
We recognise that managing traffic on the surrounding streets and pedestrian safety during construction is a high priority for our parents, students and neighbours.
Based on our traffic studies, the proposal is not anticipated to generate an increase in traffic or parking demand once operational.
Should the proposal be approved, primary route for construction vehicles will be via Comer Street and Britannia Avenue.
Before commencing construction, we will prepare a Construction Traffic Management Plan that outlines measures to minimise impacts on local streets, particularly during school drop off and pick up times, and how pedestrian, vehicle and cyclist safety will be managed.
Limiting construction noise
During construction, we will work with our selected delivery contractor to implement best practise noise mitigation measures. This may include physical acoustic barriers, choice of construction equipment and programming works to include respite periods.
We will also ensure construction timing and staging minimises interruption to our learning environment, including major exam periods.
Maintaining access
Aquatic Centre
We know that the Aquatic Centre is used by our local community and we want to ensure access to this facility is maintained.
During delivery of the Performing Arts and Sport Centre (Stage 1), the community will retain use of the Aquatic Centre.
During delivery of the Aquatic Centre expansion (Stage 2), we will aim to retain access to as much of the facility as possible. We will explore this further once we begin the more detailed planning for the Aquatic Centre expansion.
Burwood Park
Whilst our proposal does not extend into Burwood Park, we want to ensure there is minimal disturbance to this community space and those who use it.
During construction, the community will retain access to Burwood Park via Britannia Avenue. To ensure the community can safely access Burwood Park, a qualified traffic controller will monitor and manage the construction access driveways and traffic control barriers will be in place.
Student Safety
Ensuring our students can move safely to and around the School with minimal disruption is of high importance to us.
To ensure students can access the field safely, hoarding and overhead protection will be installed and students will be escorted to the field by staff.
Should the proposal be approved, Â鶹ÊÓƵ School will develop a series of plans that capture these considerations and outline how we will minimise potential construction and operational impacts.
Frequently asked questions
What is being proposed?
Â鶹ÊÓƵ School has developed a proposal for a Performing Arts and Sport Centre and Aquatic Centre expansion to be located on the south-eastern corner of the school site (between Park Road and Britannia Avenue).
The proposed facility is a new three level building, including a basement level, and includes:
- A new Performing Arts and Sports Centre, which includes an assembly hall/indoor sports courts, performance spaces, and learning rooms.
- Extension and refurbishment of the School’s existing Aquatic Centre and gymnasium. This includes a new learn-to-swim pool, new and refurbished fitness facilities, and ancillary and amenities spaces and a new drop-off area off Britannia Avenue.
Why is it needed?
- Â鶹ÊÓƵ School has a proud tradition of offering high-quality academic and co-curricular programs to support the intellectual, social, emotional and physical wellbeing of girls.
- The proposed Performing Arts and Sport Centre and Sports Centre and Aquatic Centre Expansion is the next step in the delivery of updated facilities on the Â鶹ÊÓƵ School Campus.
- It aims to provide the School with a state of-the-art facility to support curriculum-based learning in the arts, performance opportunities and enhanced co-curricular participation.
- The proposed new facilities will provide new and upgraded spaces to meet the needs of students and faculty and the community.
Is the proposal seeking to accommodate an increase in enrolment numbers?
- There is no desire to increase the current enrolment numbers.
When is it being delivered?
If approved, the proposal would be delivered over two stages of work over the next ten years or so:
- The new Performing Arts and Sports Centre is the priority project. If approved, we anticipate construction will commence in mid-2025 and continue through to mid-2027.
- Extension and refurbishment of the School’s existing Aquatic Centre and gymnasium is a longer term project and Â鶹ÊÓƵ School is seeking approval for this facility under the SSDA.While timing of this work is yet to be confirmed, we anticipate it will commence in the early 2030s.
Will construction make traffic around the school worse?
- Should the proposal be approved, a Construction Traffic Management Plan will be developed. The Plan will outline proposed routes and timing for construction vehicle movements; as well as measures to minimise impacts on local streets, particularly during school drop off and pick up times.
- The primary route for construction vehicles will be via Comer Street and Britannia Avenue.
- Â鶹ÊÓƵ School will work with our selected construction contractor to ensure construction staff vehicles park onsite as much as possible; and minimise additional traffic through (eg through carpooling).
What are the operational traffic impacts?
- The proposal is not anticipated to generate an increase in traffic or parking demand once operational.
- The proposal includes a drop-off area next to the extended Aquatic Centre and gymnasium (Britannia Avenue side of the School). The existing School car park access on Britannia Avenue will remain.
How noisy will construction be?
- Should the proposal be approved, we will work closely with our selected delivery contractor to develop a final construction program and implement best practice noise mitigation measures. This may include physical acoustic barriers, choice of construction equipment and programming works to include respite periods.
Will noise disrupt the School learning environment and/or exam periods?
- Should the proposal be approved, we will work closely with our selected delivery contractor to ensure construction timing and staging minimises interruption to our learning environment, including major exam periods.
Can my girls safely access the school during construction?
- Yes. Should the proposal be approved, a Construction Traffic Management Plan will be developed which will outline how safe pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle access will be maintained at all times; and in particular, for school drop-off and pick up.
Timeline Updates
What we have done:
- The first step in this process is lodging a request with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) for the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs).
The SEARs ensure government agencies and relevant service providers are informed and provided with the opportunity to request certain information be addressed within the SSDA.
- Â鶹ÊÓƵ School and the project team have prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
- The EIS assesses any potential impacts from the construction and operation of the proposal, and suggests mitigation measures. We had various consultants attending the School to conduct their investigations as part of preparation for the EIS.
- Between March and June 2024, we also engaged with our School community and neighbours to inform the EIS.
- Feedback from the community has been collated in an Engagement Report.
- In August 2024, we lodged our SSDA with DPHI. This included:
- The Engagement Report
- The EIS
- Detailed technical assessments
What is next:
In the coming months, DPHI will place our proposal on public exhibition. DPHI will notify our surround neighbours once this occurs.
During the exhibition period, the community can make submissions on the proposal. Following public exhibition, DPHI will review these submissions, and assess and determine the proposal.
We expect a determination on the proposal from DPHI within six to nine months (from the August 2024 SSDA lodgement).
If the proposal is approved, we will commence a tendering process to appoint a construction delivery partner.
Once appointed, we will work with our selected delivery partner to prepare various construction management plans required as part of DPHI's approval.
Before commencing any construction on site, these management plans will also require DPHI approval, and our neighbours and School community will be notified of construction time frames.
If approved, we anticipate construction of the Performing Arts and Sports Centre will commence in mid-2025 and continue through to mid-2027. The Aquatic Centre expansion is a longer term project, and we anticipate this will commence in the early 2030s.
Community Newsletter Updates
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Click here to read the March 2024 community newsletter in English
Click here to read the March 2024 community newsletter in Simplified Chinese